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iPhone 14 pro max BGMI/ PUBG graphics, FPS and performance

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Here is the detailed review, and graphics settings, battery, temperature and fps of bgmi/pubg in iPhone 14 Pro Max
iPhone 14 pro max BGMI/ PUBG graphics, FPS and performance
Apple has released the iPhone 14 Pro Max in the market, which has chip upgrade with A16 Bionic. Here we will see the maximum frame rate and graphics setting available with battery and temperature check in iPhone 14 Pro Max phone, and see how the phone performs while playing BGMI / Pubg Mobile games.

iPhone 14 pro max BGMI/ PUBG frame rates

iphone 14 pro max supports only 60 fps in bgmi/ pubg at extreme setting, iphone 14 pro max does not support 90 fps in bgmi/ pubg mobile as of now, we may see 90 fps gaming in future updates, Because iPhone 13 Pro Max supports 90fps.

iPhone 14 pro max BGMI/ PUBG Mobile graphics settings

iPhone 14 pro max supports low to extreme frame rates at smooth, Balance, HD and HDR graphics settings, and ultra frame rates at ultraHD graphics setting.
As of now maximum 60 fps is available in this but future updates can bring 90 fps gaming in this phone

iPhone 14 pro max BGMI/ PUBG Mobile Performance

As the iPhone 14 Pro Max is upgraded with the a16 Bionic chip, we'll see its performance below, and other improvements that have been made as well which are mentioned below.
  • Gaming

    I have played a TDM match, and played two battle royale matches in erangle map in which I have not noticed any drop in fps, some phones show fps drop while landing and fighting players but not a single frame drop in this phone was observed, it performed well while playing bgmi/pubg game.
    But I have noticed brightness drop issue while playing 2nd match of Battle Royale in Erangel map which needs to be improved.
  • Temprature

    After running bgmi/pubg mobile for 45 minutes, the front temperature was 40.4 °C and the rear temperature was 40.3 °C, which is a fairly normal temperature.
  • Battery

    After playing the bgmi/pubg mobile for 45 minutes, it drains only 15% of the battery which is an improvement that I have noticed in this phone. It drains less battery than other phones
  • Gyroscope

    It has dedicated gyroscope which performs smoothly while playing bgmi / pubg mobile


iphone 14 pro max does not come with 90 fps support, it only supports max 60 fps, we can get 90 fps in future updates, i haven't noticed any frame drop while playing bgmi match but a brightness Found a drop issue that needs to be rectified other than that the phone performed well.

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  1. When 90 fps will come