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Battlefield Mobile APK+ OBB File Download Latest Version v0.9.0

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Download Battle Field Mobile Game Latest Version With APK and OBB file , Download Battle Field Mobile to play it in your device

This game has been canceled so the server is down

Battlefield Mobile was introduced so early but still not released worldwide, This game is not available in some regions, as this game is still in development, so the developers have closed aplha test and released this game, which is available for some players. The beta version of Battlefield Mobile could arrive sometime in early January or February.
The developers of this game released the latest version v0.9.0 on 9th November 2022.

How to download

The following file will have two sub-files in which you can choose a file to download in your device, the first file will take you to the play store while the second file will contain the APK and OBB file of battlefield mobile that you need to extract after downloading in your device.

Download Battlefield™ Mobile APK + OBB file

The zip file below will contain the apk and obb file, this application only works for Android devices, for iOS this game is not released yet
Battlefield™ Mobile 961MB

The download size of this file is approx 1 GB, so be careful before downloading as it may consume your internet quota


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