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VENJNS : All about it, will it change everything? what and why is venjns

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Every name has a meaning, and so does Venjns. You can refer to it as vengeance or Venjns; it serves the same purpose. Venjns is a social media platform with a completely new philosophy. It is not like others; it is stronger, better, and smarter because its creator has no fear of losing anything.

It was initially conceived as Project Kalki. According to scriptures, Kalki is a god associated with destruction, creation, and completion. Venjns follows a similar philosophy. The idea for its development emerged after observing numerous societal problems, including issues with the government (the biggest scam), loneliness, love, depression, anxiety, nudity, flawed systems, and societal challenges.

Why is venjns?

You can view Venjns as a destroyer, finisher, and supporter for the right cause. There are many problems in society that cannot be fixed on their own or by the government, as the government itself is part of the problem. Therefore, someone must take responsibility for addressing these issues, and that’s where Venjns comes in.

Youth today seems to be heading in the wrong direction. What will happen to future generations? We are the most powerful species in the known universe; should we be like this? Our ancestors fought wars to protect us, yet this generation appears weak, struggling to accept their own devine gender, some are crying for a girl while some are broked by pressure and strict parenting which is a good thing, a broken boy by their family always arises as beast while some have too much freedome to change their gender, what about the people from LGTV community? Men are becoming cringe-worthy, and women are undressing for fame on social media, influencing impressionable youths to do the same. The same girls and boys who could become scientists are instead dancing and recording cringe-worthy content on social media to seek attention. This behavior stems from weak parenting, and it is a disease spreading globally. Who will cure this disease? The answer is Venjns.

The known universe is vast, yet we live on a small planet, burdened by paying a significant portion of our income in taxes to corrupt government officials. The resources provided by nature are controlled by the government and wealthy individuals who exploit them, leading to deforestation, construction on private land under restrictive laws, and the destruction of natural resources. The price of this destruction is always paid by the weak and poor. The justice system is flawed; if you have money, you can escape punishment with a simple essay. Indian police are known for their corruption, acting as dictators towards the weak while adulating the rich. The system is flawed from top to bottom. Who will fix this system? The answer is Venjns.

There are numerous problems in society today, each with complexities that seem insurmountable through conventional means. The solutions to these issues—ranging from systemic injustices to personal struggles—hinge on innovative approaches and new philosophies. Venjns is positioned as a pivotal force in addressing these challenges, offering potential remedies and transformative solutions where traditional methods have fallen short.

Venjns s just a social media platform, how does it deal with these problems??

Wars are won through strategy, warriors, and power. In this context, Venjns represents a king, with its strength derived from its users or warriors. This collective power will be directed towards eliminating illegal authorities—those that violate natural laws, rather than rules created by humans. Venjns aims to establish a system where there is no discrimination and every rule applies equally, regardless of one's wealth or status. If it becomes necessary to engage in conflict to uphold these principles, Venjns is prepared to fight for our natural rights

As you already mentioned, this generation is broken. How will you transform them into beasts?

It’s true that only those who have experienced brokenness can become truly formidable. I was once in that position myself—struggling with personal failures, panic attacks, and depression. But through these challenges, I grew stronger, smarter, and more powerful than ever before. My own journey from brokenness to strength exemplifies the transformative potential within all individuals. By confronting and overcoming adversity, we can develop resilience and fortitude. This is the essence of becoming a 'beast'—not through superficial measures, but through genuine personal growth and empowerment. The same potential for transformation exists within this generation. Through support, guidance, and the right opportunities, individuals who feel broken today can rise above their struggles, harness their inner strength, and become leaders and changemakers in their own right. Venjns aims to facilitate this process by providing a platform that encourages growth, fosters resilience, and empowers individuals to reclaim their strength and purpose.

About the founder of venjns

I am Daya Shankar, the creator of Venjns. The idea for developing Venjns came to me after I lost precious things in my life.
I grew up in a poor family, where I witnessed my father's struggles and worries every evening. They were strict because they wanted to see me succeed and had faith in the system. My teenage years were filled with fear and pressure. I lacked confidence in everything because their strictness made me weak and broken. I became mature at 14, not enjoying life and spending a single rupee. If I felt hungry, I couldn’t afford to buy something from the market due to a lack of money.
Things continued to be challenging until I had my first panic attack. At 21, my father was diagnosed with cancer, which added immense stress to my already existing anxiety. I was in my college hostel, crying in the corner of my room. Days passed in this state, and I became very weak, eventually experiencing my first panic attack in the classroom. I lost my father within a year, and it took me two years to find some semblance of light again and almost three years to stabilize.
While I know there is no cure for cancer, his death could have been delayed with timely and correct treatment. However, the doctors treating my father were corrupt and greedy. My father initially sought diagnosis at a government hospital for his unknown disease, but the doctor there directed him to his private hospital, where he began treating him for incorrect conditions. He prescribed wrong medications—sometimes for asthma, sometimes for TB, and sometimes for infections. After waiting 1.5 years on incorrect treatments, my father developed bumps on his body. The same doctor then suggested going back to the government hospital, the very one he had initially redirected him from. There, they discovered it was stage 4 cancer, which had spread throughout his body. This news shattered my family, and I was in my hostel at that time. He passed away 7 to 8 months later. He could have been saved if the correct medicine had been provided from the beginning.
After his death, I contemplated my own death, feeling empty inside. I lived in fear and struggled with mental issues, including anxiety and depression, for the next three years until I began to stabilize.
Now, I am filled with a drive to seek justice and challenge the flawed system. I am determined to eradicate these issues because I embody vengeance. This idea emerged while I was grappling with my own mental struggles, and I wondered how many others are in similar situations, dealing with loneliness, panic attacks, anxiety, and depression.
Venjns is designed with the philosophy of lifting individuals from their lowest points, transforming them into formidable forces capable of fighting life's battles and addressing societal issues. after observing this system i can say - और तो हमने क्या देखा? केवल भ्रष्ट व्यवस्था और मूर्ख लोग देखे हैं।

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